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holiday gifts
March 27, 2023

Did you know that during October and November, we inspired the community to help families in the YMCA Financial Assistance program prepare for the holiday season? Maybe you saw and were part of this amazing gesture! We asked members and participants for gift cards from large supermarkets and big box retailers to be dropped off at Deer Path, Doylestown, Fairless Hills and Quakertown welcome centers. Throughout November, gift cards were distributed to financial assistance members in time for Thanksgiving, and during December, the remaining supermarket and retailer gift cards were given to prepare for the Holidays.

One of our members was truly overwhelmed!

“The Y is so good to me. This place is very special. Every time I come here I am reminded how far I’ve come, and how far I will go.”

- YMCA member and holiday gift card recipient.

Because of generous donors and participants, YMCA financial assistance members got a helping hand to celebrate the Thanksgiving and winter holidays with their loved ones. Thank you for being part of Cause, which supports the needs of the most vulnerable in our communities.

